Acid Wiki

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Comic Book idea. Personal project. A work in progress. Doesn't make much sense at the moment, I'm figuring it out as I go. The characters and places are refered as their titles for now. The name Acid is also temporairy. I do not own any photos or drawings I place as reference here.

I was tired of seeing half-baked Isekai anime/manga (when the protagonist is transported to another world). I took on the challenge to create my own Isekai story. Hopefully, it will turn out decently.

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The protag is transported from the normal world to a society completely underwater. The planet is 99 % covered in water, with only small, insignificant islands. It is possible to go to the surface and on remote islands, but all the habitants only breathe underwater. For them, going to the surface is like swiming until you're outside of the atmosphere, so there's no point.

Clans from the Artic/Antartic? From the Equator? Clans from the West and the Est? Different cultures and traditions?

Good Family

Leaders of the merpeople. The royal family are divine. Legends say that their ancestor was sent from above to lead the people to glory. The truth: they are of human descent, brought to this world the same way the Protagonist was. They classified and regulated magic, and hid their legs in fake tails, hiding their origins from dark magic from the people for generations.

King (deceased)

Queen (deceased)


The 7 knights of the Kingdom

Bad Family (castle at the bottom of the sea)

Dark Lord

Grand Sorcerer



There are two types of magic in this world: White and Dark magic. Most citizens learn a few useful spells for everyday life. It is most commonely taught at home, passed on from parent to child. For ogres, it is taught when while you train in the army. Long ago, the royals decided to classify and regulate magic, encouraging certain spells and calling them White magic. Those that were a threat to the royals (like the summoning spell) were classed as Dark Magic and were forbidden to use, or else you would be considered a traitor to the land.

Magic represents knowledge. Its held back from the people, stopping them from questioning their authority and evolve as a society.


Tall, Gulible, loyal and faithful to the royals. (hufflepuffs)


Goblin minions. Short, green, beady eyes, mainly attack the camps at night. Weakness: sunlight, they are blinded by it.

The war

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